Pray for peace

przez Bartek Bukowski

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God

Responding to the call of Pope Francis
accept an invitation to pray for peace in the world
in the Sanctuary Our Lady of Czestochowa in Poland
You can send this invitation to your family and your friends. You can confirm individual participation in the prayer also sending prayer intentions to the e-mail address:
We also invite you to pray for world peace and participate spiritually in the prayer in the internet before you come to Jasna Góra in Częstochowa.,372,artykul,Kaplica_Matki_Bozej.aspx
Example intentions:
Specific intentions - to consider in the praying of the Rosary
- The understanding of the relationship of our personal peace and PEACE IN THE WORLD
- The understanding of the importance of our spiritual, moral and material, and intellectual choices for a private peace and PEACE IN THE WORLD
- The understanding of our responsibility for peace around us and PEACE IN THE WORLD
- The gift of distinguishing "PEACE" from REAL PEACE IN THE WORLD
- The gift of atonement for sins against peace and PEACE IN THE WORLD
- The gift of understanding the Culture of Mercy for peace and PEACE IN THE WORLD
- The gift of understanding the significance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist for peace and PEACE IN THE WORLD

Wacław Święcicki
Rosary Family of Jasna Góra
Eucharistic Brotherhood of Jasna Góra



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